Supreme K9 Club of India MicroChip Database
World Wide Pet MicroChip Database compliant with DEFRA and compulsory microchipping legislation.
Register your pet's microchip
MicroChip Search
Search compliant India Pet MicroChip databases to identify where a pet is registered by entering the number below:
Find out everything you need to know about microchipping
1. MicroChip Your Pet
Every microchip number is unique and corresponds to the record on a microchip database.
Learn More2. Register The MicroChip
Ensure the chip is registered correctly on a database in your details.
Register Your Chip3. Keep Up-To-Date
Create an account to manage your pet's details online and ensure they stay up-to-date.
Sign UpI am a...
A MicroChip registration with Supreme K9 Club of India means:
We always verify change of keeper transfers to ensure the safety of your animal
24/7 Customer Service
Our reunification line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Top-Notch Support
We care about your pets and are always happy to help whatever the query.
Online Accounts
Keep your pet's details up-to-date and manage their record online.

Reunification Stories
Read the most recent stories of pets who were reunited thanks to their MicroChip!
"Maggie's 5 mile journey!"
"Maggie went missing and travelled over 5 miles!"
"Arnie - he's back!"
"After 4 1/2 years, our missing grey tabby cat Arnie "I'll be back" finally came home thanks to PETtrac!"