The Supreme K9 Club Database - Helping Animal Rescue Centres

The Supreme K9 Club of India service recognises the hard work that rescue organisations carry out to rehome and reunite pets with new keepers.

We're always trying to make things that little bit easier, so that you have more time to spend looking after the animals in your care, and less time spent on administration work.

Register & Search for Pet MicroChips

Using some of the latest technology available the Supreme K9 Club of India offers more ways than ever to register pet MicroChips and also to search for keeper information when a pet has been found.
For more details about this click here

Login Now To Register or Search

The Pet Chip Update Campaign

As a 24hr pet MicroChip reunification database, PETtrac regularly faces the problem of invalid owner/keeper contact details. We launched a campaign to raise awareness of this problem and encourage pet owners to update their details.

Find out more here
Terms & Conditions :
1. Supreme K9 Club of India (SKCI): SKCI is not responsible for any legal issues related to the pet, including but not limited to breed, health, sex, or color. Buyers and sellers are advised to verify all details independently before finalizing any transaction.    2. Pet Quarantine Service: Customers must ensure that their chosen airline or cargo service is pet-friendly and complies with all necessary pet transportation regulations. SKCI holds no responsibility for any issues arising from airline policies or transportation arrangements.    3. Pet Matrimonial Service: This platform solely serves as a means to connect pet owners. Any agreements or dealings between parties must be based on mutual understanding. SKCI is not liable for any disputes, misunderstandings, or issues that may arise from such arrangements.