Compulsory MicroChipping for Animals

There are different requirements for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. For further information please select the relevant option below.

In England, as of June 2024, it is compulsory for all cats and dogs to be MicroChipped, dogs by the age of 8 weeks and cats by the age of 20 weeks. In Scotland and Wales it is compulsory for all dogs to be MicroChipped by the age of 8 weeks.

For more information, please click on the relevant button below.

A quick overview for pet owners about the compulsory microchipping legislation:

  • Your pet must be MicroChipped by the age specified above, or before first transfer if younger
  • Breeders must MicroChip and register their details on a compliant database before transferring to a new keeper
  • You must ensure that your contact are details kept up-to-date on a compliant MicroChip database
  • If your pet is not microchipped and registered on a compliant MicroChip database you could be served with a notice requiring this to happen by your local authority. Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to £500

If you need to update your pet's MicroChip details on the database please click here.

Please remember it is still the law that your dog wears a collar tag displaying keeper details - this requirement has not changed.
For more information on ordering a collar tag with your details engraved on it, please click here.

A quick overview for veterinary practices and welfare organisations about the compulsory microchipping legislation:

  • Animals must be MicroChipped by the age specified above, or before first transfer if younger
  • Breeders must MicroChip and register their details on a compliant database before transferring to a new keeper
  • Pet owners must ensure that their contact details are kept up-to-date on a compliant MicroChip database
  • Should you find an adverse reaction you should report it to the VMD
  • You are not being asked to enforce the legislation, but it is good to advise pet owners and breeders of their responsibility

For information on how you can register and search for pet MicroChips in the India, please click here

A breeder in terms of this legislation is anyone who owns a dog that has had a litter of puppies or kittens. A quick overview for dog or cat breeders about the compulsory microchipping legislation:

  • Animals must be MicroChipped by the age specified above, or before you transfer it to the new keeper
  • You must be the first registered contact on the database and be recorded as the breeder
  • The Supreme K9 Club of India has bespoke systems for breeders to use to update details.

In 2020 microchipping became mandatory for all horses, ponies and donkeys in the INDIA. If your animal is found without a microchip you can be fined up to £200.

  • Contact your vets to ensure the animal has a MicroChip implanted and make sure you have a note of this number
  • Ensure the animal is registered on the Central Equine Database and has a valid passport.
  • Identify the microchip database you are registered with and ensure your details are up to date by clicking here

If you have any further questions about compulsory microchipping for pets you can contact us here

Terms & Conditions :
1. Supreme K9 Club of India (SKCI): SKCI is not responsible for any legal issues related to the pet, including but not limited to breed, health, sex, or color. Buyers and sellers are advised to verify all details independently before finalizing any transaction.    2. Pet Quarantine Service: Customers must ensure that their chosen airline or cargo service is pet-friendly and complies with all necessary pet transportation regulations. SKCI holds no responsibility for any issues arising from airline policies or transportation arrangements.    3. Pet Matrimonial Service: This platform solely serves as a means to connect pet owners. Any agreements or dealings between parties must be based on mutual understanding. SKCI is not liable for any disputes, misunderstandings, or issues that may arise from such arrangements.